“Flowers are my inspiration”

"Passionate about people & building meaningful connections"
in 2018, my little bundle of joy, Holly, made her grand entrance into the world. Back then, I was knee-deep in the hustle and bustle of the corporate fashion jungle, strutting my stuff as a buyer. I adored my job and couldn't fathom a life beyond the glam of design, jet-setting, and all things fashion-forward. But, as fate would have it, Holly came with a twist – a health hiccup that threw a curveball called Epilepsy our way.
Suddenly, my career ambitions took a backstage, and a newfound priority emerged. Geoff and I realized we needed a bit more family backup. So, farewell, corporate dreams! We packed our bags, kissed the city lights goodbye, and set up camp in my in-laws' cozy cottage while we built our dream nest in Hilton, my hometown.
In the tranquil mornings, while Holly was off conquering play school adventures, a spark ignited within me. Without missing a beat, I whipped up a logo, designed an Instagram account, and dived headfirst into the world of creation. Each day became a canvas for me to paint my dreams – a purpose to leap out of bed and keep pushing forward.
I devoured Skillshare courses and enrolled in workshops, crafting my journey into a living, breathing portfolio. It all started with small projects, mainly through the magical word-of-mouth fairy. Weddings, logos, and random design gigs – some I even did for free, basking in the glorious joy of creativity. Plus, our minimal expenses during that time acted like a financial safety net, allowing me to breathe easy without immediate financial pressures.
Fast forward to today, and here we are – a thriving design studio flourishing right from the heart of my home-studio. My business dances between the enchanting realms of weddings and brand projects, and I cherish each day spent with the amazing couples and clients who light up my creative world.
Thanks a bunch for popping in.
“Married to my almost high-school sweetheart”

“Girl mum to Rachie & Holly. My greatest joy”